View along Arroyo Mocho | One of many alternative routes evaluated | View along Arroyo Mocho |
Arroyo Mocho / Iron Horse Trail
Connectivity Study
Pleasanton, Alameda County, CA
City of Pleasanton
As subconsultant to Cal Engineering & Geology TrailPeople provided alternatives analysis and design recommendations for connections to and between the Iron Horse Trail (IHT) and the Arroyo Mocho Trail and through major intersections in central Pleasanton. The IHT is a major regional bicycle and multi-use route that extends north-south through Contra Costa and Alameda counties. It connects to BART in north Pleasanton and to Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area and to the City of Livermore through southeast Pleasanton. The Arroyo Mocho Trail extends east-west through Pleasanton and Livermore.The study objective was to find the best location and configuration for a bridge or other crossing structure(s) to allow efficient connections from many destinations– a major objective for Pleasanton’s pedestrian and bicycle circulation plans.